
Currently taking clients for July 2022 due dates and beyond.

Birth doula package

  • Free consultation to discuss your wants, needs, and desires for your pregnancy and delivery.

  • Two prenatal visits

  • Continuous phone/text/email support through your pregnancy

  • On call for you at 37 weeks

  • Hands on, mental, and emotional support through labor and delivery

  • Support for your partner(s) through pregnancy and delivery

  • Two postpartum visits

  • Continuous text/email support postpartum


Virtual doula package

  • Free email consultation to discuss your wants, needs, and desires for your pregnancy and delivery

  • Continuous phone/text/email support through your pregnancy

  • Three, one hour virtual prenatal visits

  • Virtual support for your partner(s) through pregnancy and delivery

  • Two virtual postpartum visit

  • Continuous text/email support postpartum


I provide continuous support throughout your labor and delivery with hands on support such as massage, relaxation techniques, aromatherapy, positioning suggestions, emotional support and encouragement, and help with breastfeeding in the immediate postpartum period.

During postpartum visits, I will listen to your birth story, review your birth. help with breastfeeding, suggest referrals, and answer whatever questions you may have. I want to help you adjust to your new life, and make sure you and your family are doing well.

Birth partners are not required, but if you have one, I will also assist them with helping you and support them throughout the labor and delivery process. I encourage them to be involved.

Services are offered in English or Spanish. Hablo Español.

Are you ready to have an empowering, supported birth?